after a renewal) using the \'Just renewed?\' link.
License information can be refreshed (e.g. BEST FONT MANAGER WP PRO
Updates for OMGF Pro are now blocked until OMGF runs at the latest version.Updated: License Manager now includes the following features:.Improved: Fallback Font Stacks performance.
Added: basic debugging throughout the plugin (can be enabled by setting OMGF_PRO_DEBUG_MODE to true).Added: Fallback Font Stacks can now complete Replace a Google Fonts font-family, by checking the new Replace box.Fixed: OMGF_PRO_DEBUG_MODE can now be set from wp-config.php to enable debugging.Fixed: Array to string conversion in frontend.Fixed: Since WP 5.9, Scan Posts/Pages mode would only replace Google Fonts on a limited amount of pages.UX: Added clear Pro\'s/Con\'s to Scan Posts/Pages Task Manager.Fixed: missing closing tag on settings page.Optimized: Minor performance improvement when fetching cache handles.Fixed: Show notice when OMGF Pro is activated without OMGF being installed/activated.Added: Debug information when Scan Posts/Pages mode is used in frontend.
Several bugfixes and code optimizations. Fixed: Fonts Source URL shouldn\'t have a default option, to prevent later issues if e.g. Fixed: Fallback Font Stacks and Force Font-Display option are now applied to inline blocks. Added: Files detected in statements will now be loaded in the proper subset, when a unicode range is defined. No more endless nights of crying with a pillow over your head, because your website is displaying system fonts instead of Google Fonts (sorry for that, btw.). No more missing stylesheets on certain pages,. Optimized: completely refactored the Advanced Processing logic, improving it\'s speed with over 1.000.000% (no, seriously, it\'s super fast now). Fixed: Force Subsets option didn\'t work (OMGF 5.0.2 or higher required). Fixed: Relative URLs wouldn\'t be converted in stylesheets if only existing font-display attributes were replaced using the Force Font Display option. Fixed: Some WebFont Loader notations would fail detection. Removed: since AMP no longer supports stylesheets containing custom fonts, the AMP handling feature was removed. Fixed: Cached Stylesheets containing relative URLs to font files would cause 404s if only a font-display attribute was inserted. Fixed: Memory leak in omgf_pro_processed_local_stylesheets option. Added: Compatibility with themes using Dynamic CSS generation scrips (like Kirki based themes). Fixed: WebFont Loader stylesheets couldn\'t be fully unloaded (i.e.
Fixed: Cache would be marked as stale when Force Subsets and/or Include File Types options were modified. OMGF Pro automatically generates seperate stylesheets for each site in a multisite network, the cache directory can be found under Advanced Settings. Added: Compatibility for Jupiter Theme. Fixed: Jupiter compatibility ran even when Jupiter wasn\'t the active theme. Fixed: Process Local Stylesheets didn\'t work in v3.4.0. Improved: Fonts Source URL option now also rewrites the URL used for loading the stylesheet. Fixed: Process Local Stylesheets and Force Font Display would sometimes break src URLs of images embedded in stylesheets.
Fixed: re-factored clean up instructions (when Empty Cache Directory) is triggered to comply with OMGF\'s current flow in v5.1.1 and higher. Added: Settings link to plugin\'s entry in Plugins screen for easier navigation. Fixed: Force Font Display would corrupt stylesheets if a rule like font-display: swap } would be present. Fixed: Modify Source URL didn\'t (in stylesheets) after 3.4.2.